Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vogue hearts Drybar

Ok, I've just gotta brag a little about this one. Joan Juliet Buck, the former editor-in-chief of French Vogue was in town and in need of a blowout. Not knowing where to go, she called the Vogue office in New York (as one does...) and asked for a recommendation.

You guessed it. They sent her straight to Drybar!

She loved Drybar and her blowout. And we loved her. (It was also very fun to learn that Joan played Julia Child's french cooking teacher in the movie Julie & Julia!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is really neat. I love how word travels about great goods and services. Fun, too, to find out she was the cooking school adminstrator! Excellent un-likability! Bravo, Ms. Buck!
